Join me in Yarnderland

I have been working with Stonnington Libraries to create a Yarn Installation as part of the Glow Festival for 2017.

We are working on a special project and you can all be part of it!!

For the month of July we are collecting textile creations from the local community to become part of our Yarn installation at the Toorak Library.

A great idea for holiday entertainment, we would love to see you and your family get busy with yarn and help us out with the following simple projects:

Finger knitting, Knitted Flower, CD weaving and Knitting or Crochet pieces.

For further details and video tutorial links you can read this blog.

There are kits with CDs and yarn available from all Stonnington Libraries, just pop in and collect one.

Inspired by Alice in Wonderland we will be launching this installation with a Mad Tea Party on Saturday August 12.

If you are keen to learn to knit, don't forget we have the Yarn knitting group every second Tuesday at Malvern Library. It starts at 6.30pm and finishes around 8pm when the library closes. The next group will meet up Tuesday 4th July. Absolute beginners and experienced knitters are all welcome.


Subscribe to this website or follow my Facebook page to keep up to date with this project.

Happy community knitting!






Say NO to winter woes..

Depression due to cold weather is a well known's called S.A.D.

This year avoid your winter blues by learning to knit.

You may have read all over the internet how knitting is great for your brain. I strongly believe that Knitting can help you overcome your winter grumpiness.

blue wool cake

Firstly if you can't already, then learning to knit is a great way to focus your energy. You will activate your brain and co-ordination.

As well as the physical and mental element of knitting you get all the tactile and creative development that comes from touching yarns, deciding on colours and creating something new.

Secondly choosing to work on a knitting project during winter creates the perfect excuse to justify staying inside.

Instead of feeling isolated or lonely when the weather means you would prefer to stay indoors, a knitting project allows you to celebrate the opportunity to spend time knitting. In fact knitting during winter is brilliant, not only do you entertain yourself - but can also end up with a perfectly useful knitted thing. Even better if you can wear it yourself or gift it to a friend.

Finally if you learn to knit or would like to learn you can join a knitting group. It possibly sounds a little confronting but don't worry you will soon be chatting and conquering any concerns you may have had about meeting up with strange ladies who knit. They are actually just like you!!

knitting group(3).jpg

Of course getting some exercise and eating well are also really important to maintain your good health in winter. So don't forget to do that too!

Maybe instead of comfort eating we can think of comfort knitting? Settle into your cosy spot, put on your favourite music, TV show or Podcast and pick up your knitting.  When it's freezing outside or wet and gloomy, you will be thrilled to have your winter knitting project giving you a great sense of achievement.

Get happy this winter, get knitting!


Note you can find further info on S.A.D. here


Schiap Scarf

During my visit to New York City in July 2012 I visited an amazing exhibition at the iconic Metropolitan Museum of Art. The exhibition was entitled 'Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations'.

Though I had heard of Schiaparelli, I really did not know too much about her fashion. Well, let me say it was an education! I was totally blown away by the intricate details, the art and style on show. I was actually moved to tears.. a first for me at fashion exhibition.

Schiap as she called herself had used hot pink in her 50s designs and branded it as her Shocking Pink.

Recently while looking at some vintage fashion I came across a scarf designed by Schiaparelli and decided to create my own tribute to this exciting fashion designer.

Handknitted in pure Australian wool I designed these scarves using a crimson stripe, shocking pink and then a cerise stripe based on an original Schiaparelli scarf knitted in Mohair.  This tri-colour winter rainbow is such fun and the perfect pop of colour against winter grey and black.

As illustrated above, I have knitted two styles of this Schiap scarf.

Style 1: Adult scarf with Fringe

Style 2: Toddler scarf with contract colour Pom Poms

Both available through my Etsy or What Jane Knits store.

Make a statement this winter and show your true colours with a nod to one of the fashion greats.